Goshen Mennonite Messages 2020
Audio Recordings
The links below provide mp3 format audio files. If the file does not directly play in your browser, just select "save as" (right-click for Microsoft and Linux, Control-click for Mac) and play it with your favorite audio player. These files are small enough to easily fit on an iPod or can be saved on a CD. Our hope is that you can listen to these messages anywhere you like!
Winter Bible School 2020
Audio Recordings
The links below provide mp3 format audio files. If the file does not directly play in your browser, just select "save as" (right-click for Microsoft and Linux, Control-click for Mac) and play it with your favorite audio player. These files are small enough to easily fit on an iPod or can be saved on a CD. Our hope is that you can listen to these messages anywhere you like!