Fences and Warnings
From Pastor Lee
I remember when I was young we had an electric fence for the cattle. We needed to check to see if the light on the fencer indicated a short in the fence. If there were a short in the fence, the cattle would not get a shock when they touched the fence and would get out. It was for everyone's benefit that the cattle stayed within the fence.
Once a family in our church spent some money on a fence to keep their children in for their safety. They did not want to have their children get out unto the road.
In the State of Maryland the law says that swimming pools need to have a fence around them. Why?
I have a customer that spent a lot of money to put a fence around his business. Why?
Our daughter put bars on some of the windows of her house for the safety of the occupants.
The state puts guardrails along the highways and puts sides on bridges so we don't fall off.
Some of these fences are to keep people in and some are to keep people out. All are for safety.
There are warning labels put on medicines, trucks with explosives, chemical sprays, and on most electric appliances. These are to say that if used wrongly, there is danger.
Not a one of these are life giving, but they are intended for protection.
I marvel that Satan even has so many Christians blinded. They take down all the fences and say there is no need for warnings, on the basis of freedom in Christ.
I would encourage all of us to put fences up where there is danger. Do not let video, games, and TV viewing and computer activity that have violence in our homes. Do not allow video, games, and TV viewing and computer activity that exploit sex in our homes.
Have standards of modesty in our homes and on the street that encourage good morality. It is too bad that too many parents are the products of a loose and rebellious generation and their children are even worse. It has been said that what parents allow in moderation, children will do in excess.
Where we have failed, we need to admit and confess, so our children cannot justify themselves on the basis of us.
We need to guard against going into debt and becoming its slave. Our children suffer, marriages suffer, the work of the Lord suffers, and we go to the grave of little value except to satisfy our own appetites.
So I encourage us to use wisdom and know the tactics of Satan and guard against them with the wisdom that can only come from God.