John Dresser once wrote if he had it to do over:
¥ I would love my wife more.
¥ I would laugh more with my children.
¥ I would be a better listener.
¥ I would seek to be more honest.
¥ I would try for more togetherness.
¥ I would do more encouraging.
¥ I would pay more attention to little things.
¥ I would seek to develop feelings of belonging.
¥ I would seek to share God more intimately.
¥ I would seek to be more honest.
Most of us would have done some things differently if we had it to do over. But it is not too late to start now.
Some statistics I found on the Internet at are astounding. 54% of 4 to 6 years olds would rather watch TV than talk to their dad. 1 in 4 fall to sleep three nights a week with the TV on. Parents spend 38.5 minutes of meaningful conversation with their children per week, while children ages 2-11 spend an average of 1197 min. watching TV.
In Eph. 5 we read that Husbands should love their wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it. We read that wives are to subject themselves to their husbands. In Eph 6 we read that fathers are to bring their children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. And that children are to obey their parents.
In our society we are things oriented instead of family oriented. This is demonstrated by the fact we borrow for things and have to work to satisfy our wants and our families suffer for it.
I encourage us rearrange our priorities and love our families. Serve them. Be an example. Let us work as hard to love and win the love of our family as the good businessman does his customer. This will be done in being the person we should be and giving our families ourselves instead of just things. Let us do with less and develop relationships with our family. This, done as a Christian, will not only reap good results here on earth, but have eternal value.
It is not too late to start today.